Here is the 2011 Michigan Marching Band Concert at Crisler Arena poster!
Download this and e-mail it to your family and friends in Michigan, and any UM Alumni groups in your city. And post it on your favorite social network.
You can print it out and pin it on the bulletin board at work, at the corner store or your refrigerator.
It would be awesome for Band Alumni to pass this around to family and people they know -- especially families with little kids. This year the concert is in the afternoon and it will end early enough that it's possible for families to drive across the state and make it home before the kids' bedtime. I get the impression that the normal promotion for the concert concentrates on Ann Arbor, so getting it known in areas a bit farther away could help bring in new people -- more friends for the Band and more little guys thinking "I'm going to do that some day!"
SO, pass it on!