Since the announcement on January 8, Professor Boerma has been in the news around Michigan.
Michigan Daily article has quotes from Professor Boerma, Professor Haithcock and several members of the Michigan Marching Band.
Photo of Boerma and the Tubas at Ann
News from the Kalamazoo end of things can be found in's Western Michigan University hires Michigan's Scott Boerma to replace retiring Director of Bands Robert Spradling
More from Prof Boerma in "Scott Boerma, UM marching band directror, calls new job at WMO a 'blessing'." and WMU's Western Herald's University of Michigan marching band director will serve as new director of bands at WMU
Here is the announcement from the Michigan Marching Band e-news:
"Today Professor Scott Boerma announced his resignation as Director of the Michigan Marching Band to students in their post-bowl wrap up meeting. Dr. Boerma is leaving UM to take his "dream job" as Director of Bands at his alma mater, Western Michigan University. While we are all very sad Professor Boerma will leave us, we are thrilled that his dream has come true. Western is very fortunate to have a person of Scott's musical talent, leadership skill, and personal warmth to guide their band program into a new era. A letter from Dr. Boerma is below within this communication.
with any transition, the question of 'what's next' looms. While I can
not directly answer the question at this point, a process is already
underway to identify the
future leadership of the MMB. The person we seek will have the
necessary musical talent, the desired leadership skills, and a
personality that will serve the students and our varied constituents
"Please join all of us in extending our sincere thanks to Scott Boerma for his dynamic leadership over the past six years."
Michael Haithcock, Director of Bands
"Please join all of us in extending our sincere thanks to Scott Boerma for his dynamic leadership over the past six years."

It is with very mixed feelings that I am reaching out to you to announce that I have resigned my position as the Donald R. Shepherd Associate Professor of Conducting and Director of Michigan Marching and Athletic Bands, effective June 1, 2013. I have accepted the position of Director of Bands at Western Michigan University, my undergraduate alma mater. In this role, I will oversee WMU’s entire band program, conduct the top concert ensemble, and teach conducting and wind repertoire. This step represents a logical progression of my career, and I’m excited about the new challenges ahead.
I have truly loved my six years at the University of Michigan. I am honored to have played a role in the history and tradition of excellence that is a hallmark of this great institution and these exemplary ensembles, and I am excited to watch the MMB and Athletic Bands continue to thrive. I will sincerely miss the students, colleagues, alumni, and donors that I’ve had the good fortune to get to know. I am a better person because of my time with you, and I will cherish the fantastic memories I take with me. Our alumni and donors have been so very kind to me and supportive of my efforts with our great students. I thank you wholeheartedly for that.
Please know that I have been laboring over this decision for several weeks, and it was truly a difficult one to make. I am blessed to have been at UM for these six wonderful years. I wish you all the very best, and I sincerely hope that we will all stay in touch in the years ahead.
Dr. Scott Boerma
Donald R. Shepherd Associate Professor of Conducting
Director of Michigan Marching and Athletic Bands